Publicado por: jmpboia | Fevereiro 25, 2013

Verb Tenses

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Publicado por: jmpboia | Fevereiro 15, 2013

Word Order


Publicado por: jmpboia | Fevereiro 15, 2013

The Man’s Guide to Female English


Publicado por: jmpboia | Fevereiro 15, 2013

Anti-Cancer Fruits


Publicado por: jmpboia | Fevereiro 15, 2013

Latin Abbreviations in English


Publicado por: jmpboia | Fevereiro 15, 2013

Department Store


Publicado por: jmpboia | Fevereiro 15, 2013

Things you should know/ 1

Linking words

Linking words

Publicado por: jmpboia | Outubro 10, 2012

How to write a CV or Résumé

«The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is brief and concise – no more than a page or two – , a curriculum vitae is  longer (at least two pages and more details)». Besides, curriculum vitae is chiefly British English and résumé, résume or resume is chiefly American English.

If you are a job seeker and you want to apply for a job, it’s very important that you write  a CV.

Portugal is a member of the EU and therefore we should use The Europass CV. The Europass CV  is the standardized resume version which will be accepted by all employers within the EU member states. Having your Curriculum Vitae in this format is vital to succeed in getting a job.

Publicado por: jmpboia | Outubro 9, 2012

Back to English

After having taught  German for 2 school years, I am back teaching English for ICT students. I’ll be posting stuff now and then to help them.

Publicado por: jmpboia | Dezembro 30, 2009

Grammar can be fun…

Alguns de vós têm-me dirigido pedidos para postar materiais para reverem vários tópicos gramaticais. Vão aqui , revejam a vossa gramática e divirtam-se….

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